Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3 months already!?!?


chelsea mckell said...

Time really does fly by... Brianna is 4 months today!
He has SO much HAIR!
I cant wait for the fam reunion - to get all the babies together for pictures.
I will be doing some serious blogging after that reunion...

La tribu des Réaux said...

I am doing sthg really strange for me and maybe stranger for you : posting a comment to someone I don't know and who does not know me ... Well, I am Virginie, living in France, I have found your blog just "playing" on Blogger : "next blog", "next blog" and then here you are : a 6 person family! and we are a 6 person family too ! 3 boys and 1 little girl. Boys are Gabriel,8 Anatole, 7 then Basile, 3 and finally Josephine, 1 (on the 19th of June). If you have a little French feel free to have a look to my blog and if you don't ... well, feel free too ! Hope you do not feel uncomfortable with my comment.